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Image by Jonas Jacobsson

Scientific presentations

  • Decision making in patients with colorectal liver metastases: an illustrated case report. Nuytens F, Devriendt D, Van Rooy F, Vansteenkiste F, D'Hondt M. Belgian Surgical Week, Ghent, Mai 2015.


  • Laparoscopic resection of rectal cancer does not result in lower low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) scores. D'Hondt M, Nuytens F, Develtere D, Devriendt D, Van Rooy F, Vansteekiste F, Parmentier I, ESCP - European Society for ColoProctlogy , Dublin, September 2015.


  • Sacral neuromodulation, a new treatment modality for treatment of low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) D'Hondt M, Nuytens F, Kinget L, Decaestecker M, Borgers B, Parmentier I, Belgian Surgical Week, Brussels, Mai 2016.


  • Closure of mesenteric defects is associated with a higher incidence of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions after Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass. F. Nuytens, F. Van Rooy, M. D'Hondt, F. Vansteenkiste, H. Pottel, M. Abasbassi, A. Servaege, D. Devriendt. International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders - IFSO World Congress, September 2018


  • Conversion of a Nissen fundoplication to a RYGB. F. Nuytens, M. Lannoo. BESOMS session of Belgian Surgical Week, Ostend, Mai 2019.


  • Hybrid minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: Five-year survival results of the MIRO trial. F. Nuytens, , TS Dabakuyo-Yonli, B. Meunier, D. Pezet, D. Collet, XB D'Journo, C. Brigand, T. Perniceni, N. Carrère, J.-Y. Mabrut, S. Msika, F. Peschaud, M. Prudhomme, C. Mariette S.R. Markar, G. Piessen for the Fédération de Recherche en Chirurgie (FRENCH) and French Eso-Gastric Tumors (FREGAT) Working Group. Virtually the Best of ISDE 2020: Webinar on Surgery for Esophageal Cancer – Improving Outcomes. Oct 2020.


  • Effect of phased implementation of totally minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancer after previous adoption of the hybrid minimally invasive technique: results from a nationwide population-based cohort study. Frederiek Nuytens, Xavier Lenne, Guillaume Clément, Amelie Bruandet, Clarisse Eveno, Guillaume Piessen. European Surgical Association,Twenty-seven Annual Meeting 14th -15th May, 2021 Virtual Edition / Cologne, Germany.




Obesity Clinic


AZ Groeninge hospital:

Monday to Friday: 08 am - 17 pm


Vitori medical centre:

Wednesday by appointment: 17 pm - 19 pm


AZ Groeninge Kortrijk

President Kennedylaan 4

8500 Kortrijk


Phone: 003256 63 30 20


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